Expert Tips managing your blood glucose Before Aerobic exercise

Managing your blood glucose before aerobic exercise

In this short video Dr Rob Andrews, a world leading clinical expert on diabetes and exercise, shares some incredible insights and guidance on the latest research into Type 1 Diabetes & Aerobic Exercise.  The focus of this video is managing type 1 diabetes before aerobic exercise.

What is Aerobic Exercise?

Exercise that you can do for more than a minute or two is said to be aerobic.  Aerobic exercise includes sports like running for more than 400m, cycling, swimming.  Gardening, cleaning the car, or the house might be aerobic exercise and perhaps, like me, you have noticed that you have a low blood glucose level when you do some of these daily chores.  Dr Andrews says that during aerobic exercise it is common for blood glucose levels to drop quickly in people who have type 1 diabetes and in this video Dr Andrews shares some strategies on how to stop this from happening if you plan your exercise.

What will I learn?

Dr Andrews helps elite athletes and olympians who have type 1 diabetes to excel in sport, you may or may not be an elite athlete but you can be certain that you will get information that has helped people with diabetes to exercise safely at the highest levels on the planet.  With this video to learn some of the amazing secrets about diabetes and exercise that Dr Andrews shares with elite athletes.

Paul Coker was diagnosed with type 1 in 1977 and even with 40 years of experience of living with type 1 diabetes and he says that in this interview he learned new diabetes management tools.  If you or a loved one have type 1 diabetes that this video has lots of important tips and advice, even if you think that you do not exercise.

Be Part of the Research

Dr Andrews leads a team of researchers who define and explore exercise guidelines that other Doctors share with their patients around the world.  Dr Andrews is also a key member of the Exercise with Type One Diabetes (EXTOD) team.  EXTOD are looking for people, like you, who have type 1 diabetes who exercise or are thinking about exercising to take part in an important study.   Why not take part?  You can learn more about how you can take part in this study at the EXTOD website.

Join us in the next video when Dr Andrews shares the advice he typically gives to his patients with type 1 diabetes about how to manage blood glucose levels during aerobic exercise.

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